New Address – nowy adres!

It’s pleasure to inform you, that our „headquarters” on Plac Rybny (Fish Square) in Tarnów has own number. Now you can find us here: PLAC RYBNY no. 9. We’re still the most green and the thinnest building on Plac Rybny. Cordially invite!
Miło nam poinformować Państwa, że nasza siedziba na Placu Rybnym w Tarnowie otrzymała własny numer. Nasz adres to: PLAC RYBNY NR 9. W dalszym ciągu jest to najwęższa i jedyna zielona kamienica na Placu Rybnym. Serdecznie zapraszamy!

New Office in open!

26.05.2017 Mr Mayor of Tarnów Roman Ciepiela and other our friends (directors of institutions of culture in Tarnów, lawyers, publishers, artists, teachers, media representatives, members of our Committee etc. etc.) were present at opening ceremonies of the new location of Committee for Protection of Jewish Heritage in Tarnów.
First Adam Bartosz, chairman, had a little speech about a history of Committee, then Mr Mayor welcome us in new office, and special speech had pastoralist of artists environment, who read the fragment of the Book of Numbers with the blessing. Then we went to Pizzeria u Włocha to sit and talk. 
For this moment our adress is a little misleading (we will have own number in a near future) – but this very green colour of building is more readable. So – if you will arrive Tarnów, go Plac Rybny (Fish Square), next to Rynek (Main Square), and look for the thinest and greenest buiding on this square. We are there and waiting for you.
See photos from opening ceremonies.